What is the cost of childcare at Sunny Days?
Payment options are:
Automatic Payment/Internet Payment – To Napier Family Centre’s account 02-0700-0250588-00. Please include as references: SD (Sunny Days) and your child’s name.
Direct Debit – Please phone administration on 843 7280 to discuss how you would like your direct debit arrangement to process (re amount and frequency).
Cash or EFTPOS – Available at the office and you will be given a receipt.
If you think you may qualify for a childcare subsidy from WINZ, let us know at the time of enrolment.
For more information click here or take a look at our handy WINZ subsidy rate card here.
20 Hours ECE
Sunny Days offers 20 hours ECE for children ages 3-5. A child is able to access these hours when they turn three. A child can use a maximum of six ECE hours per day.
For more information click here.