Fees & Subsidies

Sunny Days Fees & Subsidies


What is the cost of childcare at Sunny Days?

  • Sunny Days have one standard hourly rate of $6.38
  • Fees are paid upon receiving a weekly invoice

Payment options are:

Automatic Payment/Internet Payment – To Napier Family Centre’s account 02-0700-0250588-00. Please include as references: SD (Sunny Days) and your child’s name.

Direct Debit – Please phone administration on 843 7280 to discuss how you would like your direct debit arrangement to process (re amount and frequency).

Cash or EFTPOS – Available at the office and you will be given a receipt.


If you think you may qualify for a childcare subsidy from WINZ, let us know at the time of enrolment.

For more information click here or take a look at our handy WINZ subsidy rate card here.

20 Hours ECE
Sunny Days offers 20 hours ECE for children ages 3-5. A child is able to access these hours when they turn three. A child can use a maximum of six ECE hours per day.

For more information click here.

    “Sunny Days children have the opportunity to socialise, learn and have fun and our purpose built environment offers children free access to a wide variety of learning experiences.”