
Sunny Days is a purpose-built early childhood learning centre for 0-5 year old tamariki.


“The mana and wairua of children, parents and whānau are prioritised.” – ERO Report 2023


Sunny Days kaiako (teachers) are all experienced, skilled and passionate and we offer excellent teacher to child ratios. Our kaiako also offer that special quality of care, enthusiasm and nurturing any parent wants for their child when they are away from home. Our kaiako continue to take part in professional development to keep up with the latest trends and approaches in the ECE sector.

Our philosophy says that each child comes with their own mana, story and experiences, and sees kaiako guided by four focus learning areas: Whakawhanaungatanga; Manaakitanga; Mana Reo; and Whakamana.

Sunny Days is part of Napier Family Centre, an organisation that has been supporting Hawke’s Bay whānau for 40 years. Napier Family Centre has a great deal of experience providing early childhood education and care for many years, previously operating as ABC 4 Kids in Hastings Street. Find out more about our history here.

Please browse our website for more information about us or contact us today.

    “Sunny Days children have the opportunity to socialise, learn and have fun and our purpose built environment offers children free access to a wide variety of learning experiences.”